Renaissing, Inspiring and Transforming Leadedership

Renaissing, Inspiring and Transforming Leadedership

DSCF4695Leaders, entrepreneurs and managers are under constant pressure with very little time for reflection or inspiration. They have to achieve ambitious results, motivate their teams, innovate and esplore new paths while dealing with an uncertain, rapidly changing future.

To address these challenges, together with universities and managers from primary organisations such as Rolls-Royce, Accenture, Fujitsu, FUTOUR has designed Renaissing®, an innovative experiencial learning process that encourages reflection, personal growth, inspiration and leadership through a deep dive into art, aesthetic beauty, architecture, history and nature.

Each experience is designed to address the core issues that are relevant to the company and managers making them the main actors and players, within extraordinary sets. We run our programmes in Florence, Rome, Venice, Paris, Barcelona, Athens, London, Amsterdam and Washington, by carefully choosing unique, authentic and meaningful stages and journeys. The choice of metaphors, locations, activities, of facilitation and coaching techniques, is made-to-measure every time, guaranteeing powerful tranformative experiences that involve all the senses and help to stretch one’s comfort zone within safe, nurturing, beautiful and regenerating environments.

DSCF4614The Renaissing experiences, like the “Grand Tours” of Goethe, Montaigne or Stendhal, have a profound personal and collective impact on participant’s mind, heart, spirit and will.

The content and duration of each programme is chosen together so as to find inspirations on vision, leadership, collaboration, communication, innovation, strategy, the integration of groups and resources, team spirit, talent scouting and empowerment.

Renaissing® keeps inspiring and transforming hundreds of top managers, CEOs, executives and also teams of employees dealing with complex challenges.

To address your personal and organisational leadership challenges, inspired by art, beauty, history and nature from the past, present and future, contact us for a tailor made Renaissing programme.
