“You can learn more about a person in an hour of play than you can from a lifetime of conversation” Plato FUTOUR is a certified LEGO®…

The Tuscany Region, with 2500 employees, has launched a co-creative participatory process facilitated by FUTOUR which involved the staff in the identification and activation of…

FUTOUR’s team applies and designs state of the art creativity and innovation techniques that have helped hundreds of organisations around the world to find effective…

Co-construction of European policies and strategies on “New skills for new jobs” for lifelong learning and jobs of the future. The co-design and research workshops…

Activation of public-private partnerships through the launch of ideas for the strategic plan of the Rosignano Solvay area. The process strengthened the collaboration and synergies…

Thinking and Acting, organized by the Department for Institutional Reforms, Citizen Participation and Relations with Local Authorities and Metropolitan Areas of the Tuscany Regional Government…

Prato and its district represent one of Italy’s main manifacturing areas. The Idea Factory was launched because this territory has always been a hotbed of…