Future Brain Gain strategies | Master and Back

Future Brain Gain strategies | Master and Back

masterback02The Regional Employment Agency of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, has organised a strategic participatory workshop based on shared reflections and contributions from all the local stakeholders, to discuss and design the future scenarios of the Master and Back (MAB) student mobility program. The MAB programme is co-financed by the European Social Fund and consists of providing talented Sardinian students with generous scholarships to pursue Master’s and Doctoral degrees in the world’s best universities. It then provides also a strong support to local companies to hire the students once they finish their programme abroad and stimulate “Brain Gain”.
Through the guidance of our facilitators, the application of participatory methods and techniques (EASW and Digital Mosaic), the workshop has stimulated a constructive discussion and exchange of experiences among all the participants. Their concrete proposals and recommendations have been applied by the regional policy makers to improve the MAB student mobility programme and the innovation and employment policies

You can read the project results here.

If you want to design your  decision making, problem-solving workshop, you can contact our facilitators.