Co-construction as value proposition for the company and clients in Leroy Merlin (Groupe Adeo). The process involved managers designing the “Co-Construction” programme. The workshops, designed by…

Design and facilitation of participatory processes for the co-creation of ICT collaborative research projects between key stakeholders from Latin American countries and the European Union….

The Agency for the diffusion of innovation technologies of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Department for Economic Development and Cohesion of…

Intercultural development, social inclusion and cohesion, but also a novel way to get to involve families from other countries, make them aware and active in…

Co-construction of European policies and strategies on “New skills for new jobs” for lifelong learning and jobs of the future. The co-design and research workshops…

The Municipality of Prato, the first city in Italy to do so, invited a stratified random sample of citizens to participate in a Scenario Town…

Local authorities and municipalities must frequently address the problem of enhancing their historical buildings heritage. The cost of maintenance (both ordinary and extraordinary) together with…